Screen tearing quick fix in Debian 10/ Crunchbang++ (intel graphics)

I recently moved into Debian 10 trough Crunchbang++. As before, I found myself dealing with the infamous screen tearing issue. Before, with other Debian versions, I used to fix it with a simple tweak by modifying compton parameters. In Debian 10, with an Intel graphics card, I needed to add a configuration file to the X11 system.

Put the file 20-intel.conf in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf/ directory and write down the following contents in it (you need sudo credentials):

Section "Device"
	Identifier "Intel Graphics"
	Driver "intel"
	Option "TearFree" "true"	

This might be enough or you might need to go further. In my case, this pretty much did the trick. Apparently, this issue has a lot of different causes, including using the right drivers and different configurations. You might want to try some additional fixes.